The importance of integrations

A quick overview of the value integrations bring to Syntropy and others.

Emilis Klybas
3 min readJun 25, 2021

You’ve probably seen Syntropy launch various integrations, including Minecraft, CS:GO, Terraria, Elrond, Polkadot, Chainlink, and Ethereum. We’re not shipping these to signal “progress” — these integrations are core components to our long-term success.

Here’s a quick primer on why integrations add considerable value to Syntropy’s ecosystem.

The value we bring

Syntropy solves two significant challenges with the current internet: speed and security.

Right now, your internet speed is controlled by your ISP and decades-old technologies. Syntropy adds smart-routing capabilities to your data, reducing latency and improving uptime. Our test network suggests that up to 70% of internet routes can be improved using our drop-in software solution.

Additionally, internet traffic isn’t secure by default under the current paradigm. When using Syntropy — which is entirely compatible with current internet protocols and infrastructure — all of your data is encrypted at the source. No extra VPNs are necessary.

Syntropy technology is an ideal match for an industry like gaming. Our recent gaming integrations let gamers and hosting services spin up a secure, performance-optimized experience in minutes.

Meanwhile, our blockchain integrations let blockchain analysts and staking providers easily set up secure and performance-optimized blockchain experiences. Complex node infrastructure can be established and maintained quickly, with built-in monitoring tools and security.

How do integrations come to life?

We started with the launch of Syntropy Builders and a reward pool of nearly $1 million. For each integration, developers receive a commensurate reward. Our community quickly joined the effort, successfully integrating our technology with dozens of applications.

When developing these integrations, we’ve managed to form a stronger bond with several communities. For example, we now have ongoing relationships with a handful of CS:GO professionals like MrTweeday, DevMarta, and Manic.

Not long ago, we hosted a CS:GO tournament with a $25,000 prize pool and a total of 32 teams. Our stream on Twitch reached thousands of unique viewers. We also managed to get players like Bymas involved in the event.

These integrations open doors for future partnerships. Integrating technology with Syntropy can significantly increase user experience, providing a provable use case to potential partners.

Examples include server providers like DatHost — our fantastic partner for the recent CS:GO tournament that we hosted. On the blockchain side, our Elrond integration directly resulted in a formal partnership.

Of course, the gaming audience was very interested in DARP and the upcoming opportunities it will bring to the table. That’s a significant validation for us to keep working on the DARP development.

Tapping into new communities

Never underestimate the network effect. When gamers see their favorite game logo next to Syntropy, it leads to more organic adoption and honest feedback from users to polish our integrations even more. Add word of mouth and the doors for mass adoption in the gaming industry open.

The same is true for blockchain applications. The more Syntropy is used by node operators and infrastructure, the faster our technology becomes the Layer Zero communication layer for decentralized networks and applications.

Alongside Polkadot, Syntropy is positioned to become a Layer Zero solution for Web3

We are now seriously working on blockchain partnerships. Even though the market is wild at the moment, we continue to connect with various blockchain projects in search for possible use cases.

Integrating Syntropy with other applications like gaming universes or blockchain networks provides real-time validation that our tech can improve speed, uptime, and security for millions of users, opening the doors for more partners, events, and long-term demand. If you have any ideas for collaboration, feel free to reach out at

We remain focused on achieving our long-term vision. Aligning technological progress with business development and marketing serves the growth of adoption, which is the ultimate goal.

